Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Assignment – IV -- Operating Systems and UNIX

Operating Systems and UNIX

Assignment – IV

  1. Write a shell script to read year and check whether it is a leap year or not.
  2. Write a shell program to take a character as input and check if it is a vowel or consonant.
  3. Write a program to read a number and display sum of its digits.
  4. Write a shell script to check whether given string is palindrome or not.
  5. Write a script that lists files by modification time when called with lm and by access time when called with la. By default, the script should show the listing of all files in the current directory.

Assignment – III -- Operating Systems and UNIX

Operating Systems and UNIX

Assignment – III

  1. Discuss exit command and Exit Status of a command.
  2. Explain the use of following operators with example.

(i) && (ii) ||

  1. Write UNIX commands for the followings:

(i) To display current date in dd-mm-yy format

(ii) To display total number of files in current directory

(iii) To display list of all files in current directory in descending order of their name

(iv) To convert all lowercase letters to uppercase in the file data1

(v) To remove all files whose name start with “a” or “A”, with confirmation from the user

(vi) To search the pattern “sachin” in the file cricket

  1. Explain the use of set and shift command.

Assignment – II -- Operating Systems and UNIX

Operating Systems and UNIX

Assignment – II

  1. Discuss various file attributes.
  2. Explain the command used to change file permissions.
  3. What is redirection? How is it performed?
  4. Write a note on pipes.
  5. Explain find command.
  6. Explain the following filters:

(i) head (ii) cut (iii) sort (iv) tr

Assignment - I -- Operating Systems and UNIX

Operating Systems and UNIX

Assignment – I

  1. Explain the UNIX architecture.
  2. Discuss the features of UNIX operating system.
  3. Differentiate between internal and external commands.
  4. How bc command works? Explain.
  5. Discuss ls command with all its options.
  6. Explain the process of compression and archiving in UNIX.
  7. Give use of the following commands:

(i) wc (ii) mv (iii) man (iv) who

Assignment - 4 -- Scientific And Statistical Computing

Scientific and Statistical Computing

Assignment – IV

  1. Write a program in C/C++ to find the solution of the equation x3 – x – 1 = 0 using Regula Falsi method. (upto 4 iterations)
  2. Find the value of √7 to six decimal places using Newton-Raphson method with C/C++ program. (upto 6 iterations)
  3. The equation x6 – x4 – x3 – 1 = 0 has a root between 1.4 and 1.5. Find the root using bisection method with C/C++ program. (upto 4 iterations)